Chipmunk in the Forest
Chipmunk in the Forest
Chipmunk in the Forest by Eleanor Clymer, Drawings by Ingrid Fetz
Copyright 1965, Published by Atheneum, New York, NY
Fourth Printing, February 1967
Chipmunk is an Indian boy who lives with his father, mother and younger brother in a log house near a big lake. One day, the time has come for Chipmunk’s uncle to take him into the forest and teach him to hunt, but the forest is dark and frightening, and Chipmunk is afraid. He tries his best to be brave and make his family proud, but in the end his uncle sends him home to help his mother around the house. Now Chipmunk stays home while the other men and boys hunt. But one day, while Chipmunk is watching him, his baby brother runs off into the forest alone. Chipmunk must summon all of his bravery to find Little Brother, keep him safe, and bring him home to the log house by the lake.